How does it feel if you suddenly find a lump that has never existed in your body before? Maybe you will feel confused, panicked, start to guess the cause, or even ignorant and not too concerned about these lumps. Lumps or tumors can appear anywhere on the body. For example in the head, behind the ears, neck, body, to the feet. Lumps that appear can be caused by congenital birth (congenital), infection or inflammation, trauma (injury), and abnormal growth of body cells (neoplasms). Most of these lumps are harmless. Characteristics of Dangerous Lumps There are several questions that you must answer to find out if a lump is dangerous or not, namely: 1. When do lumps appear? Lumps that have existed since birth are usually harmless. Hemangiomas are examples of congenital congenital lumps that do not require treatment. This lump will shrink by itself as you age. 2. Did the previous impact or injury begin? Most bumps due to injury are just ordinary muscle bruises. These lumps arise